October 31, 2023

WBCR in the 1970s and why 贝洛伊特 is meaningful

Letters: From Our Readers


Students shuffling records in the WBCR Radio station in the 1970s, when it was in Haven Hall. In our previous issue, we shared some history on WBCR, the college’s radio station, and a request: “who was in this photo?” We have an answer.

“That’s me in the photo. Some fellow alums alerted me when I hadn’t received my magazine yet. I live in London, the one in England, where I recently hosted a 贝洛伊特ers Unite event.

“You can see a recent photo of me and a few other 1974 alumni on the 贝洛伊特 校友 Facebook page. The woman in the (WBCR) photo is Carol Seidler. I think she was in the class of 1975.”

Tom Northwood’74
London, England


贝洛伊特 Daily News cover from October 1979 with a feature on 贝洛伊特's unknown radio station. Here’s a photo from the 贝洛伊特 Daily News of me at WBCR in the basement of Haven. The reporters were at the station to interview Jeff Geer, a then–controversial program director, and I was in the studio doing a 12-hour program(!). I was at 贝洛伊特 from 1978 to 1982 and during that time I took on many roles at the station, from deejay to music director to station manager.

I have other WBCR materials from that era if anyone is interested. I have donated some to the archives.

Chris Bailey’82
Aurora, New York

When you talk about why 贝洛伊特 is meaningful to you

“Is there such a college? 这是什么?? 它在哪里??” These are questions I hear when I tell high school counselors and those at the school district who are interested in where their students might go to college, and those at the local nonprofit that supports LGBTQ youth, why my grandson went to 贝洛伊特 College.

When I tell them how he researched small liberal arts colleges where a trans student would feel supported, and only 贝洛伊特 College answered appropriately, and then he spent his first year on a dormitory floor where all the students were trans.

When I tell them that the college president met with me for an hour on a Friday afternoon to discuss how to support and protect undocumented students on campus and at home.

When I tell them that the college president attended the college’s sports association meeting to protect trans student athletes.

When I tell them the college actively recruits marginalized students, including students of color and students from all over the world.

When I tell them how many students further their education after graduation and how 贝洛伊特 is rated highly for freshman year experience.

The administration has encouraged us to recruit students. The best way is to talk about what about 贝洛伊特 is most meaningful to you. You might also mention that 贝洛伊特 will work with applicants to find ways to make their education affordable.

Longmont, Colorado


Have you recently published a book, recorded music, or made a film? We’re looking for books, music, and films by 贝洛伊特 alumni to feature in future issues. Send details to belmag@84849v.com. Mail review copies to 贝洛伊特 College Magazine, 700 College St., 贝洛伊特, WI 53511.

Tell us what you think about anything you’ve read in this issue by contacting belmag@84849v.com. (We reserve the right to edit letters for length and clarity.)

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