October 28, 2023


在一个美丽的, unseasonably warm weekend in late September, 十大菠菜台子校友会在伊顿教堂举行的仪式上表彰了学院社区的五位杰出成员,这是贝洛伊特日庆祝活动的一部分.

Young 校友 Award

Kidan阿瑞亚的13 Kidan阿瑞亚的13As a student at 贝洛伊特, Kidan Araya was a Ronald E. 麦克奈尔学者,卡帕三角洲姐妹会和黑人学生联合会的成员. 她曾担任向上发展和帮助自己的导师,并担任妇女健康俱乐部主席. She was a Charles Winter Wood Scholar, a Weissberg Scholar, and earned the Weissberg Human Rights Fellowship in 2013. 她在中非喀麦隆学习国际发展、政治和森林政策. 毕业后, 她获得了华盛顿大学地理学硕士学位,并获得了赴瑞典学习的奖学金.

十年后, 基丹是一位国际上受人尊敬的政策战略家和沟通顾问,在气候和能源政策方面具有专长, national security and privacy policy, and illicit trafficking of natural resources. 2022年,战略与国际研究中心(Center for Strategic and International Studies)任命她为美国总统.S. National Security & Foreign Affairs Leadership Honoree. She also has collaborated with the U.S. 国会、国务院、能源部和全球组织.

“基丹已经成为她所在领域的世界领导者,”贝洛伊特教授兼导师巴勃罗·托拉尔说. “She is immensely generous, 并称赞伯洛伊特学院允许她在个人激情的基础上接受教育, and for the know-how that has helped her to excel.”

阿方斯(Al) A. Gerhardstein 73, Distinguished Service Citation

阿方斯(Al) A. Gerhardstein 73 阿方斯(Al) A. Gerhardstein 73毕业后 from 十大菠菜台子, Al Gerhardstein attended law school at New York University, 后来成为了一名民权律师,倡导住房和就业方面的民权, reproductive health, 犯人的, victims of police misconduct, and the LGBTQ community.

Al founded the Ohio Justice and Policy Center, which has pursued criminal justice reforms for 25 years. He has practiced law for over 46 years, litigating “causes, 没有情况下,他最出名的可能是在2015年最高法院具有里程碑意义的判决中代表吉姆·奥贝格费尔, Obergefell v. 霍奇斯(Hodges)将同性婚姻确立为所有50个州的宪法权利. That journey is traced in the book, 爱的胜利, and also featured in the Netflix documentary, “Amend: The Fight for America,” hosted by Will Smith.

Al embraced campus life at 贝洛伊特, 很早就证明了他要让世界变得更美好的承诺. He was a member of Omicron Delta Kappa honor society, won the White-Howells English prize in Prose and Poetry, participated in student government and 圆桌会议1973年以优异成绩毕业,获得政府与政治学学位.

“当校园里出现问题和需要解决的事情时,人们自然会求助于人工智能. He was superb at helping people find common areas of agreement, without giving up his sense of justice,” recalls Al’s friend and 贝洛伊特 classmate, Rabbi Marc Berkson’73. “这在他多年的职业生涯中得到了体现. I can’t imagine anyone 更多的 deserving of this honor.”

Jessica Fox-Wilson’98, Distinguished Service Citation

Jessica Fox-Wilson'98 Jessica Fox-Wilson’98During her student years, Jessica Fox-Wilson was a creative writing and education major, a resident assistant, a member of the Womyn’s Center (now Feminist Collective), and co-created Syzygy, a pop-up poetry performance troupe. 她继续在哈姆林大学获得美术硕士学位, returned to 贝洛伊特 as a residential life coordinator, and later became career services director.

“杰西卡通过在学生所在的地方与他们见面,并为他们指出他们想要去的方向,与学生们建立了深刻的联系,” says sociology professor Kate Linnenberg. “她了解校友们在做什么,并能让我们的学生与那些能在他们的道路上帮助他们的人取得联系.” In 2021, she helped create the Career Accelerator, 这是一个寒假项目,学生们可以在这里规划自己的职业生涯,并与校友和未来的导师见面.

Jessica juggles her campus roles with community service, 作为伯洛伊特学院在大伯洛伊特商会董事会的前代表和现任伯洛伊特市中心协会的代表, 在伯洛伊特纪念高中的模拟面试项目中担任志愿者, and with 贝洛伊特’s chapter of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. 她与许多已经过了伯洛伊特年龄的学员保持着密切的联系. 其中之一, 最低点卡尔森的16, 参加了今年早些时候的职业加速器小组讨论,并对导师的认可表示感谢.


Dawn Sturdevant Baum’98, Distinguished Service Citation

Dawn Sturdevant Baum'98 Dawn Sturdevant Baum’98已故的黎明·斯图德文特·鲍姆有一种天赋,能把人最好的一面展现出来. An enrolled member of the Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Mole Lake Band of Ojibwe, she was creative and artistic, and could often be found painting, 卷边, and basket-weaving. She enjoyed being in and around water throughout her life, and was an active member of the 贝洛伊特 swim team.

After earning a law degree at the University of Wisconsin, Dawn worked with the Navajo Nation Supreme Court in Arizona, and as a legal assistant to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court. She spent 12 years in Washington D. C., working for the Native American Rights Fund, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Indian Gaming Commission, and the Department of Justice in the Office of Tribal Justice.

In 2017, she moved to California, where she served as counsel for the Yurok Tribe, president of the Native American Bar Association, 也是美国律师协会种族和民族多样性委员会的成员. She worked to improve education for disenfranchised youth, 并成为了美国在土著民族问题上的主要律师之一. 一位备受尊敬的土著人民和气候问题倡导者, 她为她的人民和地球完成了转型变革.

在大流行期间,道恩被诊断出患有乳腺癌,当时处于隔离和不确定状态, 但她仍然保持着不可思议的韧性,并坚信希望和快乐的可能性. She passed away June 10, 2023, at 46. Respected and beloved throughout her life, her legacy lives on in the communities she served, and with her family, 朋友, 和他的同事们.

苏珊·卡斯滕, Honorary Alumna

苏珊·卡斯滕 苏珊·卡斯滕When she joined 贝洛伊特 in 2001, 苏珊·卡斯滕, long-time editor of 十大菠菜台子 Magazine她被这所学院丰富的历史和充满激情的社区所吸引. Two decades later, after retiring in December, 她获得了名誉教授的身份,现在是这所她爱上的大学的名誉校友,而这所大学也同样爱她.

苏珊以优异的成绩毕业于罗克福德学院荣誉课程,获得英语文学学士学位. As 贝洛伊特’s college editor, she brought a special touch to the magazine, 在她的杂志上发表的故事启发和激励了校友. 她与教师建立了许多友谊和工作关系, 工作人员, and alumni over the years, perhaps most notably with Archivist Emeritus Fred Burwell’86, 她和他合作了无数与大学历史相关的项目.

“多年来,该杂志也换过几位有影响力的编辑,苏珊继承了这一传统,同时也表达了自己的情感,弗雷德说. “在苏珊, 这本杂志在硬新闻和特写式宣传之间取得了完美的平衡. She wasn’t afraid to tackle difficult issues, 但她也发现了足够的娱乐空间和乐趣.”

Over her 更多的 than 20 years at 贝洛伊特, 苏珊以积极参与大学社区活动和善良快乐的精神而闻名. “She’s passionately interested in people and their stories, often the unconventional and unusual,弗雷德说.

Also In This Issue

  • 20世纪70年代,学生们在黑文大厅的WBCR广播电台翻阅唱片.

    WBCR in the 1970s and why 贝洛伊特 is meaningful

  • Point of No Return: Speaking out for democracy and freedom


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